ร่วมงานกับหนึ่ง ใน บริษัท ที่จัดตั้งขึ้นเป็นเวลานาน ในภาคการให้คำปรึกษาทางการเงิน
เราได้ให้การช่วยเหลือในภาคการศึกษาทางการเงิน มากกว่า ๕๐ ปี ยื่นคำร้องขอใบรับรองคอร์สล้มละลายด้วยสองขั้นตอนง่ายๆไม่จำ
ขั้นตอนที่ 1> คอร์ส “การศึกษาพื้นฐานก่อนยื่นคำร้อง” (Credit Counseling Course)
ก่อนที่จะยื่นคำร้องขอล้มละลาย , ศาลล้มละลายกลางแห่งสหรัฐอเมริกากำหนดว่าท่านต้องได้รับใบ
รับรอง คอร์ส “การศึกษาพื้นฐานก่อนยื่นคำร้อง” (Credit Counseling Course) จากหน่วยงานได้รับการอนุมัติในการให้คำปรึกษาด้านเครดิต
ขั้นตอนที่ 2> คอร์ส “การเตรียมความพร้อมของลูกหนี้” (Debtor Education Course)
หลังจากท่านเสร็จสิ้น คอร์ส “การศึกษาพื้นฐานก่อนยื่นคำร้อง”และยื่นคำร้องขอล้มละลายต่อศาลแล้ว
, ท่านต้องได้รับใบรับรอง คอร์ส “การเตรียมความพร้อมของลูกหนี้” (Debtor Education
Course) ก่อนศาลจะมีคำสั่งให้หนี้ของท่านเป็นโมฆะ
เราให้บริการหลัก สูตรการศึกษาทั้ง 2 คอร์ส พร้อมออกใบรับรองการผ่านคอร์ส สำหรับท่าน
โทรปรึกษาเจ้า หน้าที่แผนกภาษาไทยของเรา “คุณพิมลรัตน์” ได้ที่ 800-625-7725 ต่อ 3342
สำหรับคำแนะนำเกี่ยวกับวิธีการลงทะเบียนและผ่านหลักสูตรการศึกษาทั้ง 2 คอร์ส
Work with one of the most established companies in the financial counseling sector.
We have been helping people with financial education for over 50 years. We have
taken the guesswork out of filing for bankruptcy in two simple steps.
Step 1> Take Pre-Filing Education Course. Before filing for bankruptcy, the United
States Federal Bankruptcy Court requires that you take a Pre-Filing Education course
from an approved credit counseling agency.
Step 2> Take Debtor Education Course. Once you've completed the Pre-Filing Education
Course and filed your case, you must take the Debtor Education Course you are required
to have to obtain your discharge of debts.
We provide both education courses in Thai for you to complete to receive your certificate
to file with the courts. Please call our Thai counselor, Pimolrat, at 800.625.7725
Ext. 3342 for instructions on how to sign up and complete the courses
금융상담 분 야에서 가 장 권 위있는 회 사를 사 용하고 계 십니다. 저 희 회 사는 50년 이 상 재 정 교 육으로 소 비자를 돕 고 있 읍니다.
저 희는 파 산 신 청 접 수를 간 단한 두 단 계로 구 분해 보 았읍니다.
1 단 계> 접 수전 교 육 과 정. 파 산 접 수을 하 기전 미 연방 파 산 법 원은 승 인된 신 용 상 담 기 관을 통 해 접 수 전 교 육
과 정 이 수 할 것을 요 구 하 고 있 읍니다.
2 단 계> 채 무자 교 육 과 정. 일 단 접 수 전 교 육 과 정을 완 료한 후 귀 하의 케 이스가 접 수되면, 부 채 면 제를 받 기위해서
채 무자 교 육 과 정을 하 셔야만 됩 니다.
법원에 접 수되는 수 료증을 받 을수 있 게 저 희는 위에 두 교 육과정을 한 국어로 제 공 하 고 있 읍니다. 등 록 방 법 과 교 육과정 완
료의 설 명이 필 요하시면 한 국인 상 담원 명 희씨 에 게 800.625.7725 Ext.3311 로 전 화 해 주십시요.
Work with one of the most established companies in the financial counseling sector.
We have been helping people with financial education for over 50 years. We have
taken the guesswork out of filing for bankruptcy in two simple steps.
Step 1> Take Pre-Filing Education Course. Before filing for bankruptcy, the United
States Federal Bankruptcy Court requires that you take a Pre-Filing Education course
from an approved credit counseling agency.
Step 2> Take Debtor Education Course. Once you've completed the Pre-Filing Education
Course and filed your case, you must take the Debtor Education Course you are required
to have to obtain your discharge of debts.
We provide both education courses in Korean for you to complete to receive your
certificate to file with the courts. Please call our Korean counselor, Myong Hui,
at 800.625.7725 Ext. 3311 for instructions on how to sign up and complete the courses.
This is a complicated area of law and an attorney should be consulted on all matters relating to bankruptcy. The information on this website is provided with the understanding that the authors and publishers are not herein engaged in rendering bankruptcy, legal, insolvency, tax, or other professional advice and services. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional bankruptcy, insolvency, tax, legal or other competent advisors. While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this website has been obtained from reliable sources, Credit Advisors Foundation and Arbor Investment are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.